Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Tic-tac-toe Yardstick

After getting a new laptop and installing Linux on it (after some experimentation I settled with Ubuntu), I now have a better system to continue experimentation on. I have been spending some time converting my existing code to make use of some of the new C++11 features and its new standard library. The GP system now relies very little on the Boost library (purely for timing functions) and is thus much more portable.

So now the focus is on what I can do to evolve something that successfully plays Tic-tac-toe. Something I have been wanting to introduce for a long time is a yardstick - a way to objectively measure how good my Tic-tac-toe players are. You cannot really do good science without one - how else do you know when you have improved the system or by how much?

Fortunately, for a simple game like Tic-tac-toe it should be possible to make the yardstick something that systematically plays all possible game permutations against the evolved players. An upper bound for the number of permutations can be computed by observing that the first move can be any of 9 possible moves, then 8, then 7 etc. reaching a total of 9! = 362880 permutations. Considering that often a winner is determined before the game is played that far, the actual number of games to play through will be a lot lower. Thus, the yardstick should not be too cpu-intensive and can probably easily be applied at the end of each run to give it an objective score: The number of wins against the yardstick player, which tries out each each possible permutation.

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