For a while I've been working on a GGP agent that can connect to the Tiltyard hosting server and I've finally got it working. It uses the framework from cadiaplayer for the web server part, my own custom message handler to govern the central message loop and the KIF parsing framework from Dresden University to parse and reason about the games.
To test things, this agent is just picking the first valid move it comes across. It doesn't apply strategy or move evaluation of any sort. Still, it is great to see it play valid moves for a wide range of games without knowing the rules ahead of time.
It first tells the server it's ready to play, then the server sends it the rules for a game, informs it of other players' moves and my agent sends back valid moves. When the game is over, the server starts a new game with a different set of rules.
In testing it, my agent played through the games of Peg Jumping, Knight's Tour, Tic Tac Toe, 3-player Chinese Checkers and Bomberman! Below is a screenshot of it playing Chinese Checkers (my agent played Red).
Next step is to integrate my Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm - I will report back :)
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